Have you ever come home from a bad day and dived head first into your fridge? Or had an argument and found yourself turning to food? Its a reality that plagues many of us and a habit that has formed in me since I was a little girl and when I was down or feeling sad my Mum would get me ice cream or chocolate and of course that made me feel better at the time. I don't blame her for that because she was doing what she thought was best and she didn't know that it would become a habit that continued long into adulthood. She still does it with my nieces if they fall over or feel sad she offers them food, but it what her Mum did and her Grandma before that. I think its sort of passed down from generations and I am trying to break the cycle with my daughter as I don't want her to end up an obese adult like me and hating herself. Just to add, I don't hate myself any more, because I am breaking that cycle.
What's the difference?
Emotional hunger comes on all of a sudden.
Physical hunger comes on gradually.
Emotional hunger feels like it needs to be satisfied RIGHT NOW!
Physical hunger can wait until you have time to eat.
Emotional hunger craves comfort foods, ice cream, chocolate etc.
Physical hunger will be satisfied by any type of food, nothing specific.
Emotional hunger isn't satisfied when you are full, you will continue to eat.
Physical hunger stops when you've eaten enough and you are full.
Emotional eating triggers feelings of guilt, powerlessness, and makes you feel bad
about yourself. |
Eating to satisfy physical hunger doesn't have an emotional response.
When you are craving a specific thing what does your body actually want? For example, when you have a craving for chocolate, and can't get it out of your mind, it doesnt mean your body has a shortage of chocolate in its system. Below is a list of food cravings and a healthy alternative:
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