Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Weigh In Day Blues!

Today was my weigh in day and I was very sad to get on the scales and get a 1 pound GAIN :( There's a few factors that are affecting my weight at the moment, primarily being my hormones. Its not star week, but as I have the implant I have random bloating and water retention at any time it decides it could have been star week! So that is the main reason I think but with me changing to a much higher dose of my pain killers - that has added to my water retention too, so I'm pretty sure if I stick to the diet it will show this week and next weeks losses, in theory! So fingers crossed for that, and if it doesn't then I will be so upset and cry a lot!

I was hoping for 2lb loss a week, so that I can get to my goal weight by X-mas this year, so I'm still on track for that as I have a total loss at SW of 4 1/2 lbs so as long as I lose my 2 next week I am still on target. I have to remember that I am human, and I can't expect bloating not to increase my weight. I just want my 'perfect' idea of weight loss to happen every week and since I changed from Cambridge to SW I just thought 2lbs a week was a good goal to aim for. If I end up gaining or staying the same next week I may need to re-think my plans, maybe even get back on the Cambridge bus to get more weight off fast. I just don't know and I got so upset at group earlier, just wanted to go home and cry, but I stayed to the meeting and it did make me feel a tiny bit better.

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